A collaboration between The Only Animal and Vancouver International Fringe Festival, Onsite was an intensive for site-specific theatre making, which took artists through the process of learning more about the possibilities of the form, and then ideating, devising, rehearsing and performing their own original site specific show on Granville Island as a part of the Fringe Festival.
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DATE: September 2013
VENUE: Granville Island
WITH: Vancovuer Fringe Festival
Director | Kendra Fanconi |
Production Manager | Colin Cooper |
Signal to Noise Radicals | Ashton Green |
2013 | |
My Hole Life | Bon Dos Remedios |
Same Winter Twice | Corbin Murdoch |
Tree Sanctuary | Jessica Nelson |
Troll Under the Bridge | Keren White |
Ca-Sand-Bar | Keylaira Lee |
The Raven Play | Leonie Armstrong |
A Call for Extras for "The Place | Zoe Green |
Beyond" - a feature Film | Lloyd Lee Choi |
Ship of Dreams | Sophia Woodward |
Ship of Dreams | Sachi Lovat |
2014 | |
Wagner's Das Rheingold | Megan Robinson |
The songs of Tom Waits | Kazz Eskard |
Hamlet Diaries | Catlin McCarthy |
Painting of Chevalier d'Eon | David McCormick |
Grimm Fairy tales | John Dickinson |
Shakespeare | Leslie Stark |
various seaside ghost stories | Julia Mauro |
Lolita | Stephanie Elgersma |