“The night became very dark, the rain surrounded the whole cabin with its enormous, virginal myth, a whole world of meaning, of secrecy, of silence, of rumour. Think of it: all that speech pouring down, selling   nothing, judging nobody…What a thing it is to sit absolutely alone in the forest at night cherished by this wonderful unintelligible perfectly innocent speech…Nobody started it, nobody is going to stop it. It will talk as long as it wants, this rain. As long as it talks, I am going to listen”.

Thomas Merton, “Rain and the Rhinocerous” Raids on the Unspeakable

Museum of Rain is our next large-scale, elemental and impossible, site-specific work. A water-based installation that is physical, immersive and performative. The relationship with rain is undeniable for the rainforest dwellers. What is our personal relationship with a changing climate?  This narrative piece explores the ephemeral beauty, the exhilaration, and the meaning we can find in the downpour. Get your raingear on. It’s a theatrical deluge.