The Only Animal is often asked to speak about their work at the intersection of art and climate. We are known for our commitment to creating theatre within a carbon budget that aligns with a livable future of 1.5 degree Celsius temperature rise and for our core values which include Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Climate Justice, Buy Nothing New, No-Fly, and Local Focus/Global Responsibility. More to come, so watch this space!
The Role of the Artist in This Climate Moment
This panel was hosted by Arts Club Theatre curated by Core Artist, Kendra Fanconi, about different perspectives on the role of the artist in the climate crisis, with Coast Salish theatre and dance artist Tasha Faye Evans, Latinx climate...

Rewilding Magazine: The theatre group turning environmental grief into hope – and change
It was the warmest winter in 126 years, which didn’t bode well for Canada’s first theatre made of snow and ice – about 20 truckloads of it, in fact. NiX, an immersive show by theatre group The Only Animal, was set to open in Whistler, B.C., as part of the...

The Ubyssey: BC Makers’ Lab connects artists and academics for climate advocacy
Although the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and UBC's many art galleries are only a five-minute walk from each other, researchers and artists can seem to be in different worlds entirely. Dr. Leila Harris and artistic...

CTV News Interview with Kendra Fanconi: The Only Animal has received two inaugural awards
[The Only Animal has received two inaugural awards this month – the Rewilding Arts Prize from the David Suzuki Foundation and Rewilding Magazine, as well as the Green Award from the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres – in recognition of the...

How the Arts Help Us Navigate the Climate Crisis
Climartathon An Arts + Climate Datathon Submit brought to you by Mass Culture and SCALE. EVENT DESCRIPTION Three perspectives from three different countries on a global issue that commands the attention and inspiration of our international arts community. What is the...

Below the Radar Podcast: The Art Shaped Hole in the Climate Crisis
Listen to the podcast here. On the second episode of our Below the Radar series: The Climate Imaginary, Steve Tornes and Alex K Masse sit down to talk with Kendra Fanconi, artistic director of The Only Animal. The Only Animal—a theatre company based in...

Article: I Can’t Go On, I’ll Go On
Continue to read here Howlround Theatre Commons.

Article: This Sentence
To read more, head to Howlround Theatre Commons.

Sectoral Climate Arts Leadership for the Emergency (SCALE)
The Only Animal is a proud co-founder of a national network for artists and arts organizations working for radical change within our sector and beyond it in society at large. SCALE was born in the spring of 2021 when a small group of dedicated arts workers, in...