Dear Animal | 23 Hamsters

Dear Animal, When you were a young Animal, every February, I used to give away show ideas on our socials. One per day for the month. I did it to prepare a blank slate for new ideas to arrive. I remember once that my old friend, the playwright Kevin Kerr,...

Dear Animal | A Story that’s Never Been Told

Dear Animal,  “I had a boyfriend once who said that all Hostess products contained nuclear waste and it was every American’s patriotic duty to eat her share.” This is a quote from a NY Times article from the 90s that I cut out and stuck in my journal, which later...
Dear Animal | Standby Sky

Dear Animal | Standby Sky

Hi again there, hi hi. Kendra, here, the co-founder and past Artistic Director of The Only Animal, and you might know that I left the company and Canada in July of this year. For me, The Only Animal was about making theatre in deep relationship with place and the...